Alliance For An Affordable DC Statement Against SSB Tax

From: Afford DC, March 30, 2021 The Alliance for an Affordable DC strongly opposes the sugar-sweetened beverage tax legislation proposed by Councilmember Brianne Nadeau. We urge the DC Council to do the right thing and reject this tax that will only hurt the people they purportedly want to help. Read More

Statement by the Alliance for an Affordable DC on the 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

From: Alliance for an Affordable DC, February 5th, 2020. Today, DC Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey DeWitt released the 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) affirming the city’s strong fiscal health outlook with “no material weaknesses or significant deficiencies.” The 2019 CAFR marks the 23rd year DC has operated with a budget surplus. Read More

Letter: Pastors Oppose Community Tax

From: Alliance for an Affordable DC, January 31st, 2020. As District of Columbia faith leaders, one of our most important responsibilities is to ensure the well-being of our congregations and the community at large. We have always supported commonsense public policy measures that we feel improve the lives of those in our communities. Read More

Press Release: 200+ DC Community Unites in Opposition to Beverage Tax in Letter to DC Council

From: Alliance for an Affordable DC, January 30th, 2020. Today, 15 local food and entertainment organizations joined to express their opposition to the DC Council's beverage tax because it will dramatically increase prices on everyday beverages for working families and cost jobs. Read More

Press Release: 200+ Community Members & Local Business Owners Oppose DC Council’s Beverage Tax

From: Alliance for an Affordable DC, January 14th, 2020 The Alliance for an Affordable DC (The Alliance), a growing group of residents and small-business owners serving neighborhoods throughout the city, today announced its opposition to the DC Council's proposed beverage tax. Read More