Press Release: 200+ DC Community Unites in Opposition to Beverage Tax in Letter to DC Council

From: Alliance for an Affordable DC, January 30th, 2020

WASHINGTON–Today, 15 local food and entertainment organizations joined to express their opposition to the DC Council’s beverage tax because it will dramatically increase prices on everyday beverages for working families and cost jobs. Under this tax, beverages sold by these organizations will see significant price increases which will drive down sales and impact DC employees, especially those in the service industry who rely on beverage sales for their livelihoods.

In the letter, the DC Chamber of Commerce, Restaurant Association of Metropolitan DC, and grocers Safeway and Harris Teeter urge Council members to reject this burdensome tax because of the negative impacts it will have on families, employees, jobs, neighborhood businesses and the local economy.

“Hardworking families, already struggling to make ends meet in a city where the cost of living is among the highest in the nation, will be hit with dramatically higher prices on everyday grocery items,” states the letter which includes hoteliers, theaters and entertainment venues. “Local corner stores, restaurants, grocers, bars and nightclubs will see significant sales losses as District residents go to Maryland and Virginia for untaxed beverages.”

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